Here's some Arduino powered synth magic for you. frauAngelico is a drum synth / sequencer, Standuino Pi is a drone synth and the microGranny a cool little granular sampler. Mix them up and you've got this:
Bumped into this set of very cool artwork by Dan McPharlin . He has creates little synthesizer miniatures from cardboard. I can almost hear them bleep and bloop.
The Seaboard is a very cool new instrument from ROLI . It is a soft version of the classical piano keyboard, with polyphonic pitch bend and vibrato added in to mix things up. Yes, you heard it right, you can pitch bend multiple keys in different directions at the same time!
SonicXTC have released a new free VST, the Deep Step 606. You can download it at their freebies site here . Check out also their free loop manipulator VST, Beat Twist, and their other nice freebies.