
Showing posts from October, 2014

Virtual ANS Synthesizer

  I've covered the quirky original ANS synthesizer before. This is the synthesizer used by Eduard Artemyev on soundracks for movies such as Solyaris and Stalker . A virtual ANS software synthesizer has been made, and best of all it is totally free!

Documentary: What the Future Sounded Like

A must-see for any synth enthusiast, this short documentary is about the birth of electronic music in Britain. Watch the documentary here on Open Culture .  Some topics included are BBC's Radiophonic Workshop, the EMS VCS 3 synthesizer , and features Tristram Cary and Peter Zinovieff in it.

The Glockentar

  This is an insteresting concept: solenoids play glockenspiel imitating you while you play the strings. It is called the Glockentar and made by Aaron Sherwood .